

  • $10.95

Alfa-Max 100 Capsules 525 mg by Natures Way.

Alfalfa can help lower cholesterol, balance hormones, and promote pituitary gland function. Alfalfa alkalizes and detoxifies the body, acts as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and contains an anti-fungal agent. Alfalfa is also good for treating anemia, bone and joint disorders, colon and digestive disorders, skin disorders and ulcers. Alfalfa has shown to be beneficial in preventing endometrial and colon cancer. It has been said that it helps reduce the effects of rheumatoid arthritis and other arthritic conditions. Taking Alfalfa tablets before meals will help prevent the absorption of cholesterol. There is some evidence to suggest that Alfalfa tea can be useful in treating diabetes, stimulating appetite and for use as a general tonic. This plant works well as a food for convalescents because it gives many nutrients their body needs to heal and become strong. Alfalfa has shown some estrogenic activity and could be useful in treating problems with menstruation and menopause. There are so many different things Alfalfa can help with here is a list of some:

  • Blood Conditions - anemia, boils, helps clot the blood
  • Brain and Nervous System Conditions - helps the individual who is recovering from a narcotic or alcohol addiction to reanimate themselves
  • Cardiovascular Conditions - heart disease, helps stop the configuration of atherosclerotic plaques, stroke
  • Female Conditions - late or irregular menstruation, menopausal problems, arouses lactation (milk supply) in nursing moms
  • Gastrointestinal Conditions - increases appetite for those who lost theirs, bowel issues, digestive disorders, dyspepsia, peptic ulcers, poor absorption of nutrients, poor digestion, regulates the bowels, relieves gastric ulcers, helps the upset stomach
  • Genitourinary Conditions - eliminates stored water, fluid retention and swelling, kidney, kidney stones, bladder and prostrate disorders, relieves urninary issues, urinary tract infections
  • Liver Conditions - stops the absorption of cholesterol, detoxifies the liver, jaundice
  • Prostate Disorders - helps with
  • Asthma Conditions
  • Directions:
    Take 2 capsules three times daily, preferably with food.